JOBBIE PB Nana Chocolate Chips Smoothie with Marshmallows

JOBBIE PB Nana Chocolate Chips Smoothie with Marshmallows

JOBBIE PB Nana Chocolate Chips Smoothie with Marshmallows 

by Amelia Lee Ting Aviles (IG @altaviles0901

Peanut butter and banana is a never goes old combination! Use JOBBIE Chunky series peanut butter and add chocolate chips for more textures. Treat yourself by adding more marshmallows! 


  • 1 tablespoon of JOBBIE peanut butter (any flavour you like!)
  • 2 bananas 
  • 250ml of cold low fat milk (any milk also can) 
  • ½ tablespoon of dark chocolate chips (milk chocolate also can) 
  • some marshmallows 


  1. Place peanut butter, bananas, cold low fat milk and chocolate chips into a blender and blend until smooth. 
  2. Pour it into a cup and top with more chocolate chips and marshmallows. 
  3. Enjoy~! 

JOBBIE is a Malaysian brand specialised in making 100% natural Halal peanut butter. 

Our peanut butter is perfect to enjoy on bread/toast, but there can be many more possibilities! Check out more interesting JOBBIE peanut butter recipes here.

Want to get your recipe featured? Tag #jobbierecipes on Instagram to join us! 

Get your peanut butter >>> SHOP NOW 

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