JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee 

by Wayne (@dough_and_stove IG) 

Admittedly, a classic Crème Brûlée is a hard one to top, but toss in JOBBIE Creamy Pure Peanut Butter and you've got yourself an uber rich, creamy, nutty, caramelised custard! 

Imagine having CREAMY, CARAMELISED CUSTARD and PEANUT BUTTER straight off the spoon, at the SAME time! 

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee


Recipe makes 2 ramekins 


To Serve 

  • Sugar, 20g 

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee


  1. Whisk Egg Yolk & Sugar together. Set aside. 
  2. Heat Milk, Cream & peanut butter over low heat until just hot or simmering. 
  3. Set aside for a few minutes. 
  4. Temper Egg Yolk by stirring in ¼ of heated Cream while whisking vigorously. 
  5. Pour Egg Yolk mixture back into remaining Cream. 
  6. Strain and divide mixture into 2 ramekins (preferably 120g each, you'll have extra left)*. 
  7. Place ramekins into a larger baking dish. 
  8. Fill baking dish with boiling water halfway up to the side of the ramekin. 
  9. Cover ramekin with aluminium foil. 
  10. Bake @ 150°C for ±45 min until the center is barely set. Cool.** 
  11. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight before serving. 
  12. To serve, sprinkle sugar on top of refrigerated custard. Making sure the whole surface is covered. Torch surface with blowtorch evenly until sugar caramelised. Let caramelised sugar set (about 1 min) and serve! 

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee


*Filling beyond 120g for standard ramekin may result in overcooked top and runny centre. 

** To check for doneness, the side of the custard should be set with a jiggly centre. 

JOBBIE Peanut Butter Creme Brulee

JOBBIE is a Malaysian brand specialised in making 100% natural Halal peanut butter. 

Our peanut butter is perfect to enjoy on bread/toast, but there can be many more possibilities! Check out more interesting JOBBIE peanut butter recipes here.

Want to get your recipe featured? Tag #jobbierecipes on Instagram to join us! 

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